The fact is that the blood that covers me is the same that
covers any believer. What we choose to relate as truth after that is what
separates us. The blood never does. It never has. In its truest and purest
action and purpose, it unifies, it brings together the prostitute with the
little old lady in the fourth pew who has served in particular church all her
life. It brings together the criminal with the enforcer of that same law. It
joins together the prejudiced with it target. The blood.. the blood is what is
important. It is the ONLY thing that is important and all hinges in its
application to the sinner of which I am chief.
When we begin to add to the blood is when we enter the realm
of the Judaizer, the Gnostic, the Mormon, the Jehovah’s witness and the list
goes one. It is the oldest satanic trick: to ADD to the truth. This was the
original temptation and its power is still in force. I fell for this trick. I
was told that the blood was not enough, to enter the Kingdom of God fully, I
had to be baptized in a certain way by a certain person. I had to have the
baptism of the holy spirit . If these were not present, I was in the twilight
of God’s plan. What a lie. This is the same arguments used by those who taught
that the following Mosaic law after belief in Christ was compulsory. Without
these practices God would not be pleased. It is the Apostle Paul who spoke
directly to the situation: it was another gospel (Galatians chapter 1). It
added to the finished work of Christ. As such, it was called for what it was:
another gospel. And it is the old story and lie played over in every generation
it would seem. Will we ever learn?
How much pain does this lie inflict? Untold damage and its
source is not the God we pray to it is the God we really serve. This is the reality. Those who participate in
such things do not serve the true God but the God they have manufactured.
Jesus came to break down barriers with love and give hope to
the hopeless. He did not spend much time with the religiously pure but kept
telling them and teaching them by example that God was love and He had come to
bridge the gap we could not ever build to God (as the religious have always
No, there is only one way to God, through the blood and
nothing else. Oh, I know we all have things to answer for in the end. What we
did that we should not have done and what we left undone. It is that latter one
I want to talk about now. What may be on that on that list of ‘undones’? Will
it be the things that had to do with ministry or the services we missed or
perhaps the person we refused to listen to? I guess that is possible but
perhaps in the spirit of Christ and why Christ came I think it will be the
smile we did not give, the person we did not forgive, the one who loved us we
refused to let in. In short, the times we forgot or refused to be like Him. In
all our religious effort, we are usually the one who Jesus mentions in the
parable of the good Samaritan who crossed to the other side of the path. When
we saw the hurt, we did not stop it. When the prisoner called, we did not
visit. When the sick needed something we did not give it. When we received a
letter, a birthday card, a text message from one reaching out, we did not. This
is not Jesus at all, it is religion and it is ugly. It is of its father the
devil and we the obedient sons when we refuse to forgive, eschew the ones not
like us. Who will be on the left of Jesus? The ones who said they did great
things for God. They enumerated the buildings they built, the dogma they wrote
that separated and made ones more sons of hell than themselves. What will Jesus
say to them? I never knew you.
The blood is our hope, it measures our indebtedness and is
our motive to be like Him. God came to build a family and all families are
imperfect and to a sense dysfunctional but love is the force that built it and
sustains it. Blood is thicker than anything and is more powerful than any word
or act. Good or bad.
In the book of Leviticus, it is forbidden to eat blood. God
explains why. ‘Life is in the blood’. I can only conclude from this that blood
is the important application. It caused the death angel to pass over the slave
and made him free, it was the covering that protected and clothed one in the
presence of the Almighty, it was the flow from Calvary that once and for all
settled the state of man: It is finished.
I ask you, what else is there to do? Jesus paid it all, all
to him I owe, sin had left a crimson stain, He washed it white as snow.
We are left in wonder and awe at that act of mercy. There is
no other way and to take away or add to is the way of Cain.
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