Elijah or Ezekiel - Which One are you.
There is a great temptation to look at the time we are
living in as the most important and critical time. I know that this moment is
important to you because you are living it. Many times we believe that what we
are doing is most important and even critical to the furtherance of the faith
we cling to…In dysfunctional groups many times it is touted by leaders that
they and their followers are the very last and by far some of the elite in God’s
army. They are metaphorically Elijah in the cave crying out to God that there
is no one else. No friend, it is a big River…the biggest. There is a vision
that Ezekiel has in the latter parts of that book. In that vision, Ezekiel is
charged to measure things; temples, courts and yet at some point, he comes upon
the shore of a river. He is instructed to wade in the water. It is shallow but
the further he wades the deeper it gets and his concept of it grows as he continues.
There reaches a point where he can no longer stand and begins to have to swim.
He has found the big river. Where does it begin? What is its source? If you go
back to the beginning, its source is the throne room of God flowing from under
the entry door of that throne room. This is the proper perspective of the
faith: It is larger and stronger than we could imagine or even conceive. It
starts small and grows mighty and has one source. If I would name this
river, I would label it Faith. It is the King’s river not ours. What we may add
to the river is perhaps a thimble of water and the impact we make with any
contribution never really increases its size of any significance. If we were to
take a bucket and find another source upon which to contribute to the river, we
could strive our entire lives filling and emptying the bucket and still not
raise the river one miniscule. Yet in the heart of man we always say ‘do
something’. In Ezekiel's diary of the vision,
he also describes areas that the river flows into and becomes stagnant and
foul. So, continuing this analogy, where do you think ‘our source’ of water
where we would fill our bucket comes from? It is the brackish wetlands that
have strayed from the main course of the river. They are areas teeming with
dangerous life and where each tread of foot may bring a sting or a bite. Yet we
trod off to the wetlands and brackish water to fill our bucket take it back to
the river and pour it in…sounds not only perilous but futile to me. It is it is
as if we truly believe our faith and eventual outcome rests on our action and
abilities when nothing could be further from the truth.
The Galatian Lie - The Bucket Brigade
We have believed the
Galatian lie…someone has convinced you to grab a bucket. This is the main
characteristic of dysfunctional religious groups. If you decide to stay…as I
did for years… you will look back and see all your effort and peril was futile
and in the end manifested its true nature: it took away and never added
anything to you but enriched others at your expense….your life. Perhaps, what
was told and what was believed was that by one’s own effort and action, they can
bring about significant change in themselves and the world. I am not saying
action is pointless and not worthwhile; all I am saying is keep it all in
perspective. Take a step back and look at what you have built so far for God.
Is it truly growing and becoming something or is it just another shanty that as
you put more into it the worse it gets. All the while you are being told to fill
your bucket faster and faster: tithe and support. Oh I know that there are some
blessings you receive but they are not due to your activity at all. They come
in light of your futile efforts and in spite of them – God is blessing you not
because of your misdirected activity but because of your desire and love for
Him. The fact is more than likely, those in such groups are tragically being
leveraged by others for their own gain. This was Paul’s message to the Galatian
church who had been influenced by those who had added to the gospel the keeping
of the Mosaic law and in a very subtle way that seemed right in the eyes of the
Galatians, had corrupted their faith. Paul brought them back to center in the
stark fact that they had not received ANY of the blessings that they now
possessed by any action of their own making and origin. They had heard and
believed and the Spirit was given unto them as a pledge. This was in a nutshell
Paul’s message back to them. Friend, by adding something to the perfect
message, it is no longer the message at all; it is something else. You have begun
to drink the brackish water and the wasting disease is sure to follow. I know
because I preached and taught and raised a family on ‘something else’. What lasted was none of it…sad to say but in
the process I learned a great lesson and even what I now consider the greatest
blessing of my life. My faith. It was the one thing that never left me because
it was not built on the precepts of men. It was built on the foundation of a
boy just sixteen who sat in a pew one Sunday evening and heard the message of
the cross and moreover was brushed by the very spirit that gave Adam life and
made him a living soul. You never forget that frozen moment and can recall even
the hairs on the back of your neck that stood upright in the presence of
something or should I say someone who bowed low from heaven and in my case, pulled
a young man from the pit of sin. I met Him that night and cried all the way
home…do you remember your time? Get it back. Some say we are not to dwell there
and I say on the contrary, it is the most important point in a man or woman’s
life and why should it not be viewed continually as such. I lay down a
challenge, if you carefully read every epistle, one common theme you will read
is much like the first chapter of Galatians: in them you will find an
admonishment to remember the gospel that was preached to you and that which
saved you…hang the ‘deep things of God’…I say because the Apostles really did
not focus or address them as a first degree of importance where you find them…stop
being a spiritual bean counter. Those that do so are of the nature of the
Judaizer and not a child of faith. Surely it is not God’s mind in the matter. I
know that we are to press on as it says in Hebrews but come now, what are you
pressing into if there is no base for that action? When we take our eyes off
the cross and the work done there, we drift away and that shining moment
becomes only a pinprick of light in a life filled with other types of activity
as we enter into the brackish abyss. This is not pressing on into maturity, it
is losing our way on the backwaters of religion.
Masters of Deceit
Dysfunctional religious groups are masters of the ‘add on’.
To them the cross pure and simple is not enough. It is only through other
experiences can the cross be fully realized. Some believe that water baptism is
the point where the Holy Spirit does a work in us (e.g. circumcision of heart, covenantal blessing,
application of the work of Christ, etc.). Others believe that a ‘second
blessing’ is required to live in the power of the spirit (baptism of the Holy
Spirit, the Double Cure, etc.). Some espouse both. But in these precepts of men
– some mistakenly call the deep things of God—the cross, the very work of
Christ is made less potent and conditional. This is the Galatian ‘add on’. Let
me be clear, the Apostle Paul fought this most of his life as a follower and
messenger of Jesus. No friend, go back to the beginning. Expose the foundation
that cannot be re-laid look at it and know it. To do otherwise is to accept and
live another gospel. Friend, your place
and function is not to fill the river, it is to be in the river: to understand
and experience its boundlessness and its power. Drop your bucket and jump in. When there, the
vision is clearer and the stench of the bog is washed away. It is when we are
in the river we realize its vastness and our connection to others. Even the
time space we live in is lost in the river. We become part of what has always
been and will be, the Eternal Church. There is one Head and we the parts; parts
that are different and collectively comprise His body. I may be a foot and you
an arm or leg but what connects us and makes us the body is the head. In the
end we become that cloud of witnesses spurring on the next generation to jump
in. The kingdom principle being illustrated here is found in the book of Isaiah
where the Messianic Kingdom is explained and promised. There is no end to His
Kingdom, it ever increases…like the River (Is 9:7, Lk 1:33). If you have been
told you are one of the few, wait and listen for the whisper of rebuke: There
are others you do not know or recognize that in God’s assessment are a part of
the same as you. You are not alone in your generation and you are not the only
ones as you have been told. To be honest, to be so minded borders on
presumption and when taken hold, one is
no better than a Pharisee.
The True River
There is a river, it is a big river and it winds its way
through generations and generations perhaps places we could never go or be but
one and the same river. While we might be small in it as Ezekiel was, the
wonder of what can be seen is truly worth a lifetime of pain. I know somewhere
along the bank are people laboring with the buckets of spiritual industry
growing weary and losing the very reason why they continue. The lines of people
dwindle and as they do, the burden of the quota of what is required of them spiritually
and financially by their leaders grows. They are not permitted to drink from
the river but the quagmire from where they draw and fill their buckets. In the
end it will not be pretty. When the surplus is gone only then will they realize
the spiritual famine they have been living in all those years. The store house
is empty and the laborers grow few and what remains are feeble. In comparison,
what lines the banks of that river? Trees that bear every month of the year and
impervious to seasonal change; moreover, their leaves are used to heal the nations.
That is the power of life in the river. Why? Because it really isn’t a river at
all, it is the Spirit of God.
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